Sam Kaufman, whose immense patience has shaped me into who I am today in computer science. Krzysztof Drewniak, who connected me to Sam in the first place. Renè Just, my advisor at UW, who generously and patiently invested so much in me. And then, in no particular order, Ed Lazowska, Chloe Dolese Mandeville, Ras Bodik, Maaz Ahmad, Dan Grossman, Mike Ernst, Patrick Lam, Chris Willett, Lauren Bricker, Gilbert Bernstein, Chandrakana Nandi, Kevin Zatloukal, James Wilcox, Hal Perkins, Brett Wortzman, Anne Hafer, Dieter Fox, Hannah Potter, Benjamin Kushigian, Gus Smith, Ryan Zambrtta, James Yoo, Max Wilsey, Jenifer Hiigli, Chelsea Navarro, Maggie Morris, and not the least of them, Maya Cakmak. Each of them legends I had the pleasure of interacting with.
Ege Cağlar, whose friendship made the journey more bearable; Andrew Cheung, Vishal Canumalla, Thia Richey, Elliot Zackrone, Ryan Featherman, Jeremy Gunawan, Thomas Schweizer, Josie Thompson, Coleman Hagerman, Jay Cutter, Authia Grey, Sonia Fereidooni, Zeynep Toprakbasti, Kianna Bolante, Brett Saiki, Guramrit Singh, Katherine Murphy, Jaela Field, Helana Stafford, Soham Pardeshi, Efe Hatinoglu, Sam Vanderlinda, William Nguyen, Yihong Zhang, Michael Christensen, Brian Liang, and Karman Singh.
To anyone I may have unintentionally left out, I ask for your forgiveness. As for Zachary Tatlock, I could only thank him enough by writing about him in a dedicated post.