PhD Student @ MPI-SP

I’m a Computer Science PhD student at the Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy (MPI-SP) under the guidance of Marcel Böhme. Previously, I was a combined BS/MS student at the University of Washington Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering. I have been fortunate to live in multiple countries and learn several languages (see map below). I worked on mutation testing at the PLSE lab as part of René Just's team. My focus is on software engineering, programming languages, and human-computer interaction. I also worked with Maya Çakmak as a teaching assistant for the undergraduate research sequence (CSE390R/CSE492R).
Countries I have visited
August 2024 - PresentPhD in Computer Science
Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy (MPI-SP)
Advised by Marcel BöhmeJanuary 2022 - June 2024Master of Science in Computer Science
University of WashingtonAdvised by René JustSept 2019 - Jun 2021Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
University of WashingtonAdvised by René JustSept 2016 - Jun 2019Associate of Science in Computer and Electrical Engineering
Tacoma Community College
Research Scientist Intern2023AWS: CodeWhisperer
SDE Intern2022AWS: CodeGuru Security
SDE Intern2021AWS: CodeGuru Reviewer
SDE Intern
16.09.2024Equivalent Mutants in the Wild: Identifying and Efficiently Suppressing Equivalent Mutants for Java Programs
by Benjamin Kushigian, Samuel Kaufman, Ryan Featherman, Hannah Potter, Ardi Madadi, René Just. The presence of equivalent mutants has long been considered a major obstacle to the widespread adoption of mutation analysis and mutation testing in practice. This paper presents a study on the types and prevalence of equivalent mutants in real-world Java programs. Conference Page05.12.2022Contextualized Programming Language Documentation
by Hannah Potter, Ardi Madadi, René Just, and Cyrus Omar. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on New Ideas, New Paradigms, and Reflections on Programming and Software (Onward!), December 5-10 2022. Download
01.07.2023Notes on Program Analysis - Michael D. Ernst
Mutation Testing for Halide (Adobe)
Mutation testing could be highly beneficial for Halide, a programming language designed for high-performance image processing. Firstly, mutation testing allows for the evaluation of the effectiveness […]Hazel (explainthis)
Hazel features typed holes in the text, allowing users to typecheck, manipulate, and run programs even when they are syntactically malformed. This work was published in […]
Software Design and Implementation (CSE331)
Winter 2022Hal Perkins
Summer 2021Ardi Madadi
Spring 2021Kevin Zatloukal
Winter 2021Hal Perkins
Autumn 2020Kevin Zatloukal
Summer 2020Alexey Beall
Spring 2024 Maya Çakmak
Winter 2024 Maya Çakmak
Fall 2023 Maya Çakmak
Spring 2023 Maya Çakmak
Winter 2023Maya Çakmak
Autumn 2022Maya Çakmak
Software Engineering (CSE403)
Spring 2022René Just